Sunday, 1 May 2011

Day 27 - Lorenzo

Me! In my room!

Our own private deck

Dinner at the family restaurant
This morning I woke up and packed all of my stuff again. At breakfast we placed bets as to when the next Ferry was going to be leaving. Dom won with an hour and a half. So the guys walked us to the ferry. When we bought our tickets we realized that it was 15 minutes earlier than we had thought and had to run to catch it. I got really seasick and tired, so I took a short nap. We had no idea where to get off, so while eating my snack (which was pretty awesome btw, it had breadsticks with nutella, and iced tea) I thought of the wonderful idea to just ask someone. So I got out Dom’s Italian phrase book and looked everything up, then tried to ask the man sitting across from me. Turns out his daughter knew English (wasted my time on that one), so they told us to get off at the next stop and take the bus around the island. So we got off, found a map, got on a super crowded bus. Ugh, it was like taking the Metro in Rome. It was disgusting and people just kept getting on! Just when you thought it was full and no one else would even dream of getting on the bus, one more sweaty Italian guy would squish into some non-existent space. I met some girls on the bus though. One was from England and one was from Sweden, they seemed super nice! Then we got off at our stop and walked to our hostel. I read the directions wrong, but somehow we still made it there. We checked in, checked our emails, and got our laundry started. There was so much! I even took an awesome nap. As it turns out, many of the people staying here right now are also Canadians. I also took a quick shower before dinner at the family restaurant. The girls sharing our room are from Germany. Susanna is a children’s dentist and Uta is a journalist. They both seem very nice! We took a van to the restaurant; the driving was...very Italian. This restaurant was so amazingly delicious. It was cool, we ate with the other people staying at the hostel, and the two girls from the bus. Staying at our hostel was also, two Swedish girls, three Canadian guys, the two girls in our room, and this group of five Canadian tour guides; all really nice people. After dinner, Lorenzo took us to the bar for some dancing. He told me that I didn’t need to change because look what he was wearing (his pizza cooking clothes from the restaurant). Then he changed and drove us to the bar. Then we all sat outside with some more drinks. It was a super fun night!

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