Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day 30 - Shithead

The Duomo

Ponte Vecchio
Today is our travel day; we are on our way to Florence. We ate breakfast and I tried to get into my bank account online. I’m starting to worry about this money situation... I have 60 euros left which probably won’t last a month no matter how hard I try. Then we got our stuff together and checked out. We walked to the pier to catch the 11:00 ferry to Porto di Napoli. I slept through the ferry ride again. Then we had to walk to the train station. It has got to be at least 40 minutes, and our bags are getting pretty heavy...I think Dom and I are both getting pretty grumpy on long walks with all our stuff. It is also super hot out, so we decided we’ll have to go in colder months next time. Maybe to England and Ireland in a year and a half. Anyways we had to go on the 1:50 train, so we had to call our hostel because we weren’t going to make it before 5:00. 
Vor es festan?: is Swedish for ‘Where’s the party?’
I forgot to mention that Dom bought a really cool ring for her sister this morning. We got to our hostel and it seems really nice and clean. We checked emails and headed out to walk around the town. We saw some churches and piazzas; they were really nice. Then we stopped for dinner. We had caprese and a cheese plate, oh and of course some bread. I also had spaghetti al pesto, which was so delicious! On the way back we saw another church and a live band. We also had gelato, I got pink grapefruit and passion fruit. Probably the best thing ever. Then we headed to the hostel to try and deal with my money problems. But the computers were taken, so Dom and I sat down to learn a new game from Casey, Mike, Ed, and Felix. It was pretty fun and not too hard to understand. It was kinda like Uno. Haha, it was called Shithead. If you lose, you have to say ‘I’m a shithead’. Luckily, I never lost. Then I skyped mom, who couldn’t fool the guy at the bank into thinking she was me. Then he told her that I would have to call collect from Italy. I also said hi to Dad and Auntie Tracy, who is having her honeymoon at our house. Weird... Then Dom and I chatted with Ed and Mike, they are 23 and 22, respectively. Ed has a degree in computers, and Mike has a degree in Biology and in Law. Crazy guy. They are both from Oxford. Casey is from somewhere in the U.S. 

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