Friday 20 May 2011

Day 49 - Earth

Carved from Coral


Amanda Escaped in Vienna

Giant Turtle
Today was a bit sunny, but mostly cloudy, so I went to the Haus der Natur. I liked all the rocks and minerals, but I also really enjoyed all the fish too. There are these weird little garden snake fish that I think are super creepy though. They sorta pop in and out of view from the tunnels they dig. It looks kinda funny. They also had a new part of the Science Centre part. It was all hands on experiments that were pretty fun. I think Laura would’ve really liked it. There was a cool one that I didn’t think people really understood. It was a wheelchair obstacle course. It was pretty tough. For dinner Tante Carole experimented with a new recipe. It was pork medallions with tomatoes and mozzarella. We also had rice and carrots. It was amazingly delicious! So good! We also started on the Photomosaics ‘Earth’ puzzle I brought back from the museum. And I gave Tante Carole the cheese plate I got her at the market. I think mom would like one. I would’ve got her one if I didn’t think I’d break it one the way home. 

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