Thursday 19 May 2011

Day 41 - The Old and the Beautiful

Salzburg Freilicht Museum

Very, very Old Furniture

Nothing Like This Anymore

My House!
Today I was up surprisingly early, with no alarm. How do I manage that? And I was the first one up! So I worked on the puzzle. During breakfast we decided to spend the day outside because it was a rare sunny day. So Tante Carole drove me out to the Salzburg Freilicht Museum. It’s an open air museum, kinda like Upper Canada Village. All these old-old houses that were brought from all over the Salzburg province. So the houses are all well-used after hundreds of years. It was actually pretty cool to see what was typical in each county of Salzburg. There was one house in Pinzga that I decided I wanted to live in. It was truly incredible. I got a really good feeling when I walked into that house. And it wasn’t so dark like these old houses usually are. It was a pretty fun little day trip. Then of course for the rest of the evening we worked on our puzzle. For dinner we had insalata caprese, procuitto melone and pasta (penne with tomatoes, onions and mozzarella). 

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