Wednesday 18 May 2011

Day 35 - Musical Continuity

Vienna Philharmonic

Street Music
This morning I woke up still tired, because I didn’t sleep long. But I felt great because the blanket was so fluffy and I was so tired last night, I was out in seconds. Then I took a  shower, and it was the best shower I’ve had in forever! It was warm, and the water pressure actually cleaned my hair. It was awesome after all those crappy hostel showers. Then we ended up seeing the European Jazz and Pop Orchestra. They were interesting... They had a lot of good ideas. I have the feeling that they didn’t practice as much as they should have. There were some noticeable mistakes and sometimes they weren’t together. Then we headed into the old town to see a rehearsal of the Vienna Philharmonic. They are amazing. It was just like an actual show. They played right through each song. The first one was beautiful and the conductor played the piano while conducting. It was amazing. The second piece however, it was more... it was a modern piece. It had very little to no musical continuity at most parts. And sometimes it would be unnecessarily loud/shrill for no apparent reason. They could’ve just skipped that one. The third one had a choir. It was pretty intense and very cool. The whole things took about two hours. Then we walked around and signed up for the Sound of Music tour tomorrow, just for fun, and to see the countryside. We also walked along the river and looked at booths after having some amazing chinese food for lunch. I ended up buying earrings and a necklace for my godmother. They were hand-made by a husband/wife pair right on the side of the river. I really like them. Then we took the bus back to Tante Carole’s apartment. I then sorted all my clothes and souvenirs and gifts for people. I bought a lot. We had pasta for dinner and watched part of a televised play going on in front of the church. Then off to bed. I’m so tired. 

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