Wednesday 18 May 2011

Day 34 - Trains and Fish

Taking the Busboat Out

Last Train in Italy!
We got up expecting to catch the 11:20 train to Salzburg. But instead we were going to be on a bus to Villach at 5:20. Then a train from there, arriving at our final destination at 11:50 PM. So we stowed our things in the left luggage port at the train station, after a two hour wait in line. Then we headed out to find a post office and internet cafe. But the lady at the info point was dumb, and gave terrible directions. In the end, we found the post office and I was able to mail my postcard to Sachiko from Venice. I think she will really like it. It was funny though at the post office, because the desk clerk didn’t understand any English, but he spoke French. So that worked out well. Then we went over the bridge and down many, many dead ends looking for this internet cafe the info-point-lady told us about. We never found it. We ended up consulting Dom’s ‘Let’s Go Italy’, which told us to turn around because we had passed it on whatever street. It ended up being off a side street off whatever street we had passed. Crazy Italian streets. We each bought a new mask, a cool metal one this time and some clothes. Then we collected our luggage and ate at the place we stopped for gelato earlier. The food wasn’t as good as the gelato, so we ate more gelato. Then we just hung out at the bus stop. The bus ride was highly uneventful, just beautiful scenery, all mountains and trees everywhere. On the train ride though, we were sitting across from a Carlisle look-a-like (from Twilight), but with darker hair. And then later, I was trying to sleep and these drunk boys got on and started listening to crappy repetitive music, while talking loudly about soccer in German. That was fairly annoying. When we arrived at the station in Salzburg, we couldn’t find my aunt! But we found their Lexus, so we left a note and went to find a phone. I managed to borrow someone’s Handy and call my aunt, but as it turns out, it was Uncle Rainer at the station. Then we found found him right after, and we went to their apartment. Their friend Joanna from Australia was visiting. She is also a violinist. Tante Carole made really tasty salmon in teriyaki sauce. I ate so much, it was so delicious! Then we went to bed super late. I think it was 2 am. Although, I did notice that this apartment they rent is completely furnished with antiques. But they are way older than any of the antiques my parents own. They are from the same time as items I saw in the Austrian Folkloric museum in Vienna. They really are beautiful.

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