Monday 28 February 2011

Day 23 - Possibly the Dirtiest City in the World

Sitting in Front of a Statue in the Square

How I felt about the City on First Sight

Local Boys Playing Soccer at Night
This morning more guys showed up at 7:30, and they went straight to bed! Haha! Anyways, today we went to the market for the last time. And I bought a long white dress. Then we each had a croissant, and I also had an apple danish. Breakfast was delicious! We got our stuff and headed over to the Termini train station. We left on the 10:18 train to Napoli, because the line for reservations took forever! The train ride was super uneventful, except for the lady in the seat beside me kept elbowing me and taking up space in my seat. It was fairly annoying. When we got to Napoli we headed straight for our hostel. The hostel seems pretty good. My initial thoughts about the street it’s on were not however. After walking around though, we realized that is just the way the city is! Garbage everywhere! After dropping our stuff, we wanted to go to the archeological museum. Leaving our street (not even a block) 6 Italian men called out to us, not even selling anything (except maybe their hearts). We wandered, then the museum was closed. So then we walked around some more. We saw a monument covered in graffiti. Everything in Napoli is 1. covered in graffiti, and 2. smothered in garbage. Plus I find it’s worse here for people calling out to you. Dom described our street as a sausagefest. And at the time, it was. They cleared out when all the people selling things left for the afternoon. On our way back to our hostel, we stopped in a few stores. I bought a dress and a purse for 5 euros each. Maryn will love the dress; it’s awesome! Then we hung out at the hostel, and the power went out while I was on the computer, which sucked. So we went and got pizza. Then Dom finally beat me at speed. Haha, I forgot even earlier we stopped to get ice cream and the guy made a joke that it would cost 1 euro and a kiss. It ended up being 2.20 euro. We both aren’t sure whether we like Napoli very much. The views are great if you can get past all the garbage everywhere. And the monuments are really nice, if you can ignore the graffiti. We both definitely liked Rome better. Finally, I was going to take my shower. The shower is mouldy. I have never felt so dirty while showering. Then I was shaving my legs and a scab from a bug bite on my leg, sort of...came off. It was bleeding so bad I had to get out of the shower, I dripped water everywhere, and soaked a gauze pad in blood. Not the most pleasant shower of my life. Then around 9:30, all the neighbourhood boys gathered in the parking lot outside our building to play soccer. They were pretty good. And very into it. There was this one kid in a grey t-shirt who was really quick. He scored most of the goals. It was very interesting to follow (also our tv was broken). I have never enjoyed soccer so much. Tough kids. 

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