Sunday 27 February 2011

Day 20 - Nicola

Hostel Roma Inn 2000

Domed ceiling of the Pantheon

Castel Sant’Angelo
Today we slept in a little bit. Then we went back to the market around the corner, where I got some cute necklaces for Laura, Katelyn and I. Afterwards, we relaxed until it was time to meet Nicola for lunch. We met him by the fountain in Pieza D’Espana. He is a friend of Tante Carole and Uncle Rainer, now working for the orchestra in Rome. He took us for lunch in a typical Roman restaurant, where they make their own noodles in the restaurant. Then he brought us to his favourite gelateria, where I bought us gelato. Then he showed us the Pantheon before he had to be on his way. He is quite a nice guy. Dom and I found our way to Castel Sant’Angelo. It was actually so beautiful. I really enjoyed it. I wouldn’t mind living there. Haha! Then we went back to our hostel to get ready to go out. We grabbed a pizza sandwich down the street and then headed off towards Piazza Navona. I had a whiskey sour and Dom had a frozen strawberry something or other. Then we walked back, and I even got a few comments that I am bellissima. And time for bed!

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