Saturday 26 February 2011

Day 14 - Belvedere and Natural History


Natural History Museum
I forgot to mention about yesterday, this weird old man stopped us in the train station to tell us to read the Bible every night. He went on and on for at least 5 mins. Which is awkwardly long when a strange old man is telling you that to be saved you must read every night 20-30 mins and of course no sex before marriage! It was kind of funny, but mostly awkward. Also, on the train these guys sat down across from us and decided to take off their shirts and Dominique was telling me a story. I found this hilarious, because these guys were actually very attractive and Dominique was totally oblivious. They even after asked where we were from. 
Anyways, today I woke up early and had a terrible sleep, so I was so tired all day. We started the morning at the Belvedere. We saw both the Upper and Lower Belvedere, and the gardens. The ‘orangerie’ had many grotesque statues which neither of us liked very much. Then we got back on the Tram and went for lunch at T.G.I.F. And I know it’s an American restaurant, but I’ve never been to one except once in Honduras, and now here in Vienna. Afterwards, we took a walk past the Mozart monument and went into the Museum of Natural History. There were many interesting things there, but most of the information was in German, so we mostly just looked. Then gelato! I swear I will come home having gained 10 lbs :( But the gelato is so good!! Tonight, Uncle Rainer’s sister, Marlies, dropped by and we all went to Wurth’s Heurigen. Food and wine was good again, and now they will close for the obligatory 2 weeks before they can open again. Dumb restaurant laws. Overall, a good long day. 

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