Saturday 26 February 2011

Day 12 - Museums and Jumping in the Fountain

Museum of Medical History

Wall in the U-bahn

Jumping in the Fountain
Today I am wandering the streets of Vienna. Alone. It’s my last day being in Viennese museums without Dominique. On the list are the Doll & Toy Museum, Museum of Medical History, Museum of Pathological Anatomy, and the Austrian Folkloric Museum. The Doll & Toy Museum was closed. So I took the U2 to the 8th district and went into the Medical History Museum. I had lunch on the way to the Pathological Anatomy Museum at Welt Cafe. That museum was at the back of a University campus, so I wandered the campus and found the museum also closed. So off to the last one. I found it interesting to see the Austrian folkloric museum. Very interesting things there. There were a lot of things I’d never seen or heard of before; some of which the meaning/use was obvious. I also saw this board which had written all the stereotypes of different people in Europe. This was passed down in the family, an amassment of knowledge, for use when meeting new people I guess. Haha, I found it funny, even if I couldn’t read it. On my way back to do some shopping in the 1st district, this guy stopped me and started chattering away at me in German. When I finally spit out that I only understood a little German he switched to French. Then he was telling about how they were all going to go jump into the fountain, at some platz that I can’t remember, at 3PM. It’s going to be a flashmob and they are going to start a water fight. He switched to English after. Turns out, he and his friends all go to an English-speaking school in Vienna. So I went with them, jumped in the fountain, chatted some more. Then of course I couldn’t go dripping in all the stores, so I took the Ubahn back to the train station and everyone was giving me funny looks. Then I was lost and confused at the train station, where I tried to give my seat to an old man. He started talking at me in German. All I got was that he was ok standing until the train came in a few minutes. Then I think he made a joke, because he started laughing after, so I laughed too. I didn’t want him to feel bad. I got back to the house and worked some more in the garden. Tante Carole made roast chicken with rice and carrots, and it was the most delicious way of having chicken. Mmm... Afterwards I tried skyping Mom, but she was home later from work than she said she would be, so I just went to bed.

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