Friday 11 March 2011

Day 24 - Cheap Wine and Pasta

Swimming near Castel dell’Ovo
This morning I was so exhausted, and I’ve been so hungry all day. I had four pieces of toast for breakfast, while we watched the songs of summer on MTV on the tv in the common room. Then we walked back to the archeological museum. It was 10 euros, because apparently being a Canadian student isn’t good enough for the student discount. The museum was pretty cool, but I noticed two things:
1. Busts are creepy, and
2. Ancient Romans really liked naked people.
Statues, paintings, whatever, as long as the people are all nude. Then we tried to find this pizza place that the girl at our hostel had told us about. We couldn’t so we just stopped in the next place we saw. I ate pizza (not as good as last night) and of course a white magnum. Mmm...white chocolate covered vanilla ice cream. Beautiful views and even more beautiful breeze coming in off the water. From there we walked along until we hit Castel dell’Ovo. It was a monastery and a fortress. Now it is just somewhere for people to walk. It was very cool. The legend says that there is a magic egg somewhere in the foundation, and if the egg breaks the city will crumble. Dom joked that the egg must’ve cracked because the city isn’t doing too well. Haha! Then we climbed over the side of the bridge into the sea. The water was really nice, except for the garbage floating here and there. And there were some kids who kept bugging us. They first tried to tell me that my camera was getting wet, I didn’t know how to tell them that I knew that and wasn’t stupid as it can get wet. Then they were trying to tell me to put on sunscreen or I would be red (I didn’t understand this at all, Dom at to translate for me). Then we walked back to our hostel. We each took a shower before we headed down to the supermarket. We bought everything to cook our own supper. While we were eating we met these two guys from the U.S. (one was named Kevin). The food was pretty good. I’m impressed with myself for such good pasta in such a sparse kitchen. Then we wanted to walk and get ice cream, and as soon as we stepped out of the building, these two guys started trying to talk to us. We just walked right past, but they got on their moped and followed! They ended up following us all the way there, and catching up to us right before we got in our hostel. Napoli is weird like that. After, we played cards with the guys (Kevin and Lucas). Kevin and I split the bottle of wine, and I totally kicked ass. Then we all chatted and watched the boys playing soccer outside. We also planned our day trip to Herculaneum tomorrow; they’ll probably come with us.

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