Friday 11 March 2011

Day 25 - New friends, lots of...

Bathouse Floor
Lucas and Kevin

This morning I woke up around 7, because I could hear the market going on outside. So I slept a little bit more and then got up for breakfast. After breakfast Dom, Kevin, Lucas and I headed for the train station across the square. The train was hot and there were a lot of people on it, so we ended up standing. From the train station in Herculaneum, we walked down the hill to the site of the ruins. I found that I could really see what the buildings must’ve looked like, how it felt to walk through the streets of this village. There were beautiful frescoes and mosaics, and some of the buildings were almost completely intact. Everything was so well preserved; so  much to see and learn. That was really one of the most amazing things I’ve seen. I really love the Ancient Roman Empire. They were such a strong, smart, successful people. I enjoyed Herculaneum. Then we ate some bread and cheese that the guys had brought. I also bought Dad a keychain and this really funny little book, called Pompeii Erotica, for Maryn. It’s kind of hilarious actually; it’s Ancient Roman porn really. Haha. Then we split from the guys; they went in search of a beach and we headed back to Napoli. We stopped at our hostel to ask about a Gelateria nearby, but the girl at the counter (Nhi Natalia) was just leaving so she said, “follow me”. She wanted some too, and she wanted to show us her house (which as it turns out is not a house; it’s just the hotel where she is living). So we followed her up Corso Umberto onto Via Duomo, then on two more turns. While we were walking we talked some, and she told us that she is on a student exchange and just working for the summer. She’s also an only child. And she told me that it’s even hotter in Vietnam than in Italy. She has really awesome straight, long, black hair that I am so jealous of. She’s pretty funny, and very nice. We also got our gelato before arriving at her hotel. The guy who owns her hotel is the same guy who owns the hostel where we are staying, so we got to meet him. She also showed us the mural that she painted on the wall in the common room. After Dom and I left there, we stopped to get some iced tea and canned tomatoes to cook the rest of the linguine for dinner. I also bought a wallet from a street vendor on the way back. Today I made the pasta sauce much thicker, so it was super tasty and very filling. But then we had extra. After dinner I was so tired and full I went for a nap. Then I showered, which always feels nice to get all the sweat and grime from the day all off. After that the guys were back so we headed out for gelato, limoncello and peanuts. Upon our return we were invited to play Uno with Anita and Tom. Anita is from Linz, Austria, and Tom was going to school there. They are best friends. Tom is really from Croatia (p.s.. his full name is Tomislav; how cool is that?). I’m proud to say that as bad as I am at Uno, I didn’t lose once! Then we found enough decks to play Canasta. Tom and I totally kicked butt against Anita and Kevin. And also, the Limoncello is still just as gross as in Rome. Anita has invited me to go visit when I have time when I’m in Salzburg. She wants us to go out places. It was a fun night and now I have some new friends on Facebook! Lol...

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